Story Mode: You and your three friends are part of the Supernatural Hunting Society tasked with investigating a abandoned house what you find is? Stiches, Hunter and Pump punk? what is going on will you survive? (probably not)

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Incredible game! I've created a video on my YouTube channel, and it would mean a lot if you could consider subscribing.

(Might take a bit until the video is up but it should be within an hour) 

👻 Unveiling the Horrors! Stiches Files: A Forgotten Exit - Indie Horror Game Review 🔍 - YouTube

(1 edit)

Hi thanks for the feedback i will check your video soon! And yes I have subscibed

if you are wondering what that alarm was i looked into it and umm yeah game for some weird reason started the game without you pressing play so that sucks

Stiches Files story mode has been updated 

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